debrief and deploy build your content marketing skills throughout the year, from #cmworld twitter chats to webinars, contenttech summit and content marketing world, the opportunities abound. Discover all the opportunities here . Note: all tools included in our blog posts are suggested by the authors and not by the cmi editorial team. No publication can provide all the relevant tools in the space. Feel free to include additional tools in the comments (from your company or ones you've used).
Cover image by joseph kalinowski / content marketing institutedesigning for better analytics: 5 decisions web designers fail posted: 2020-12-22 design for analysiswhen i say “website design” what comes to mind? Graphic design? Interface design? User experience design? What about analytical design? That's what andy crestodina thinks. Andy - who has whatsapp number list provided web strategy and advice to over a thousand businesses and authored content chemistry: the illustrated handbook for content marketing - encourages all businesses to consider analytics when designing or redesigning a website. The bad news: if you fail to make user-friendly design decisions, your website will work against your analytics,
preventing you from gaining insights that could be useful to you. If you fail to make design decisions suitable for analysis, your site will work against you, says @crestodina. Click to tweet the good news: it's easy to make design decisions that fit analytics. This article summarizes some of the advice andy gave content marketing world in his web design vs analytics setup talk: put your blog in its own directory. Create a page for each product, service, and topic. Publish pdfs sparingly. Put thank you messages on their own pages. Publish contact forms, not email links. Put your blog in its own directory to set up a blog to get the most out of analytics, choose a url structure carefully. Your url is the